Children are welcome at Calvary!

And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

Mark 10:16

Jesus welcomed and invited children to come to him. We welcome children too!

Parents are welcome to bring their children to all our services. A creche is available during the Sunday morning worship service for children under the age of five.

We also have the following ministries designed especially for kids!

“As a parent, I desire the very best for my children. As a Christian, I know that the very best is found in Jesus Christ. As an adult who has experienced many of the victories, trials, and challenges of life, I can testify of the wisdom and power of God’s Word. It doesn’t ‘just’ give us guidance, and comfort. It is the means by which we grow and mature in Jesus. It is the voice that draws us closer to God. One of the greatest gifts I can give my child is the Word of God.”

Sunday School

The Word of God is a precious treasure and a great gift that we can pass on to our children. Our Sunday School program takes seriously the privilege and duty to share the truth of God’s Word with our children. Our Sunday School program aims to:

  • Introduce children to our wonderful Jesus Christ, that they, of their own accord, might turn to Him
  • Encourage children to grow in their personal relationship with Christ
  • Develop in our children a Christian character including love, forgiveness, honesty, humility, etc
  • Equip children with sound Biblical truths that will provide them with guidance and wisdom their entire lives

Our children’s Sunday School runs at the same time as the adult Sunday School study. Children are divided into age groups to ensure that lessons can be delivered at an age-appropriate level. Sunday School is run every Sunday during school terms.

Learning about Christ is both a joy and an adventure. We endeavour to make our Sunday school just that – a joy and an adventure!

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6