Who are we?

We are a group of people from all walks of life. We are from different countries. We have different jobs. We have different backgrounds. We have different struggles in life. What unites us is Jesus!

Each and every one of our church members can testify of their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Each story is as different as each individual. And yet each of our own personal testimonies have the following common elements:

  • The deep, heartfelt realisation that I am a sinner and need a Saviour
  • God working in my life to draw me to Him
  • My calling out to Jesus to save me and be my King
  • My commitment to follow Jesus
  • God’s ongoing blessing and work in my life

We have worshipped God and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Armadale for over 30 years.

What do we do?

We worship Almighty God together. We serve King Jesus together. We mature and grow in the Lord together.

These goals may be common to many Christian groups. Perhaps what makes us a little different is who we follow.

The Calvary Baptist Church is not part of any denomination or religious institution. We do not follow the doctrines or teachings of any man or organisation. We are led, taught, and instructed by the Word of God. We believe the Bible to be the Word of God and endeavour to serve and worship Jesus Christ by applying the truth of God’s Word to our own lives.  We are far from perfect, but trust, that with God’s help, we will draw closer to God as we worship and serve Him together.

Chris Mell

Richard & Riki
Children’s Sunday School

Scott and Janene
Youth Leaders

And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Hebrews 10:24-25

What we believe

God is the creator of this wonderful universe. Although He is spirit in nature, He is a person in the sense that He has a mind, will and emotions. God is perfect in every way and embodies righteousness, truth, wisdom, and love. Despite being incomprehensibly greater than mankind, God chose to love man and fellowship with him.

The scriptures are God’s revelation to man. The scriptures are inspired and have been preserved by God to provide man with a reliable and trustworthy source of truth teaching us about God, ourselves, and God’s relationship with mankind.

Man was created to be a wonderful immortal creature living in fellowship with God. Since the fall of Adam however, man became corrupt so that his very nature is now sinful. All men are sinners and naturally sin. Although man is capable of doing ‘good’ every human soul falls far short of the righteous standard required by God.

Man’s soul is immortal. God has appointed a time when every soul shall be judged. God will judge righteously and fairly. Those found to be righteous will be raised from the dead into eternal life. Those that are not found to be righteous will be raised from the dead into eternal separation from God. The judgement will not weigh a man’s good deed’s against his evil deeds. It will simply examine if a man is perfectly righteous. Not a single man has lived a righteous life without committing sins such as lying, lusting, coveting, or hating. No human therefore has hope of passing this judgement through his own worth, deeds, or ability.

Because God loves men so much he provided a way for men to be saved from the inevitable judgement and wrath that they are destined for. God sent His own Son Jesus Christ to earth, that he might bear in his own body and soul, the just punishment for men’s sins. God has decreed that those who place their trust and faith in His Son Jesus Christ will be forgiven their sins (because Jesus has paid the penalty on their behalf) and receive Jesus’s own righteousness. This salvation restores a human soul into wonderful fellowship with God for all eternity. Salvation can only be received through repentance from sin and faith in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to earth and was born a man that he might bear man’s sin and provide a way for man to be reconciled with God. Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. He rose again after three days in the tomb and ascended into heaven. He will one day return to the earth bringing peace to those who have received Him, and judgement to those who have rejected Him.

A person who repents of their sin and places their trust in Christ is ‘born again’ of the Spirit of God. A true Christian can never lose their position and standing as a righteous child of God, because their standing is based on what Jesus has done, not their own deeds or behaviour. Whilst in this body and on this earth a Christian will continue to sin, even though he desires and does his best not to. God continues to work in each of His children helping them to grow in wisdom, truth, and righteousness through His Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

A church is an organised assembly of born again, baptised, believers who love, worship, and follow Jesus Christ. God has chosen the church to be the means by which his people grow, are encouraged, and serve him.

What church should I choose …

When seeking and choosing a church we suggest that you seek out a church that is truly following and pleasing Jesus Christ. It is more important that you find a church that pleases Him, than one which pleases you! When looking for a church, look for one that:

  1. Preaches the Word of God, not the ideas of a man or an organisation
  2. Honours and brings glory to Jesus, not a man or an organisation
  3. Seeks to serve and follow Jesus, not a man or an organisation

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Acts 2:42